Launching SG’s first 5G eSIM

Launching SG’s first 5G eSIM

Launching SG’s first 5G eSIM

My Role

Product Designer

Product Designer

Product Designer

My Tasks

UI/UX Design, Project Management

UI/UX Design, Project Management

UI/UX Design, Project Management


7 months

9 months

Check It Out


7 months

🗒️ Overview

Odyssey is designed to build long-term engagement in functional engagement and emotional engagement among our customers.

Circles.Life is Singapore's 4th telco and is fully digital.

5G is the 5th generation of network technology and this case study explores how I enabled Circles.Life to be the first 5G eSIM provider in the country.

⏳ Timeline

⏳ Timeline

🎯 Phase 1

🎯 Phase 1


Business Problem

We lost the opportunity to be the first mover in the market with a 5G offering.

We lost the opportunity to be the first mover in the market with a 5G offering.


users' pain points

There is no functional problem with 4G, thus no incentive to upgrade to 5G.

There is no functional problem with 4G, thus no incentive to upgrade to 5G.


tech limitation

The lack of the right infrastructure leads to many requirements for users.

The lack of the right infrastructure leads to many requirements for users.

Problem Statement

How might we position Circles.Life’s 5G offering as a valuable and differentiated add-on to our consumers’ 4G network, with a key focus on a fully end-to-end upgrade experience on the mobile app?

How might we position Circles.Life’s 5G offering as a valuable and differentiated add-on to our consumers’ 4G network, with a key focus on a fully end-to-end upgrade experience on the mobile app?

User Flows

I pushed for user validation before we started developing the screens.

The priority here at this phase of the project is to launch quick, with little to no usability issues. Thus, the objective of this unmoderated usability testing is to test the Customer Effort Score (CES) and to gather qualitative insights on 5G as a product.




task completion for all users

task completion for all users


customer effort score


net promoter score



customer effort score



net promoter score

After carefully evaluating the qualitative feedback while recognising the business need to launch fast, we’ve decided to launch these flows as MVP since there were no jarring usability problems. However, we made it a point to look into improving the NPS and drop off rates in the next phase of the project.

We’ve decided to launch these flows as MVP since there were no jarring usability problems. We made it a point to look into improving the NPS and drop off rates in the next phase of the project.

🎯 Phase 2

🎯 Phase 2

After launching MVP, we saw a significant drop off rate of 26.1%

After launching MVP, we saw a significant drop off rate of 26.1%

Additionally, since we’re not charging users for a new SIM, we are incurring a cost of $8 per SIM delivery.

We want to introduce 5G eSIM - the first in the market - so that users can feel valued by getting an immediate SIM upgrade and access to 5G.

Additionally, since we’re not charging users for a new SIM, we are incurring a cost of $8 per SIM delivery.

We want to introduce 5G eSIM - the first in the market - so that users can feel valued by getting an immediate SIM upgrade and access to 5G.

Revised User Flows

At this point of the project, the infrastructure was ready for an eSIM upgrade for our customers. From an experience point of view, an eSIM upgrade and activation is immediate - a huge step up from having to wait a few days for a physical SIM delivery.

We continued iterating on designs progressively to optimise the conversion rates.

From the first round of user testing and observing the data from instrumented screens in the flows, we’ve decided to do a progressive rollout of the new eSIM flow. This is to monitor the drop-off rate, customer queries and overall 5G take-up rate.

12 screens
12 screens
12 screens

(from 21 screens)

(from 21 screens)

0 days of SIM delivery
0 days of SIM delivery
0 days of SIM delivery

(from 2-3 days)

(from 2-3 days)

Instant SIM activation
Instant SIM activation
Instant SIM activation

(from manual activation)

(from manual activation)

We saw a significant improvement of -8.9% from 26.1% in drop-off rates after 3 weeks!
We saw a significant improvement of -8.9% from 26.1% in drop-off rates after 3 weeks!

My intern manager role in this phase of the project

At this stage of my role in Circles, I had the privilege of managing a design intern who was working with me on this project. This was also a first for myself, to grow into the role of a design manager in this capacity and drive conversations with stakeholders to get alignment.

🎯 Phase 3

🎯 Phase 3

At this point, 5G adoption was healthy and I stepped back into the project to enforce new ways of working.

At this point, 5G adoption was healthy and I stepped back into the project to enforce new ways of working.

❌ Old way of working

❌ Old way of working

❌ Old way of working

Many designers might relate to this.

As the project matures, there may be plans to continue iterating and grooming backlog items or to improve on our communications journey.

I saw that the ways of working could be improved.

The gradual adoption rate of 5G eSIM was healthy and encouraging.

In the final stages as we are optimised some parts of the flow for better activation rates, I also decided to enforce new ways of working.

✅ Proposed way of working

✅ Proposed way of working

✅ Proposed way of working

With different stakeholders, I proposed different ways of working, which has been beneficial for the subsequent designers that came onto this project.

The gradual adoption rate of 5G eSIM was healthy and encouraging.

In the final stages as we are optimised some parts of the flow for better activation rates, I also decided to enforce new ways of working.

⚡In conclusion…

⚡In conclusion…


On the product:
On the product:

Since this product was a rather functional one, I would have wanted to inject more delight in the activation process.

It would have been more helpful to clearly illustrate how 5G would be a value-add to their current consumption patterns.


On practicing UX in the real world:
On practicing UX in the real world:

Fortunately, I did fight for bandwidth and time to conduct at least 2 rounds of user testing in this project to confirm we were on the right track.

I’ve also learnt that not all projects follow the conventional linear design thinking process, but principles are applied when needed.


On my journey as a designer:
On my journey as a designer:

I’ve learnt in the changing roles throughout the project that I’m also playing a part in the solutioning space beyond design.

I’ve gained a lot of insights into being a leader and growing my stakeholder management skills, especially towards the end.